From the Pen of the Principal
Dear Parents and Carers
At Xavier Catholic College we promote the development of the whole person and understand that young people need to be supported in their physical, spiritual and emotional growth. But first and foremost, we are a place of learning and understand that helping our students reach their academic potential is essential. To that end, I want to focus my newsletter article this week on the benefits of good study habits and some of the techniques that have the biggest impact. What are the Benefits of Good Study Habits?
Developing good study habits is crucial for academic success and personal growth. Whether you are a student, professional or lifelong learner, cultivating effective study practices can significantly impact your learning journey.
Here are some of the benefits of good study habits:
- Greatly Improve Your Academic Performance
When you consistently practice good study habits, your brain becomes disciplined. Just like a muscle that gets stronger with regular exercise, your brain thrives on consistent learning. By following a schedule, studying at specific times and places and feeding your mind useful information, you enhance retention and understanding. Good study habits lead to better grades, but they also foster self-discovery about your learning style and preferences. - Boost Productivity
Effective study habits streamline your learning process. When you study smarter, not harder, you become more productive. Organizational skills, time management and discipline all contribute to increased productivity. As you develop these habits, you’ll find that you have more time for other essential aspects of life, such as leisure and hobbies. - Create More Time for Extra-Curricular Activities
Balancing academics with extracurricular activities is essential for holistic development. Good study habits allow you to manage your time efficiently, freeing up moments for sports, arts, volunteering or other interests. By maintaining a healthy balance, you enhance both your academic and personal experiences. - Reduce Stress
Stress often accompanies poor study habits, such as last-minute cramming or disorganized routines. When you establish effective study practices, you reduce anxiety related to deadlines and exams. Consistent study sessions and well-structured approaches alleviate stress, allowing you to approach learning with confidence. - Boost Confidence
Success breeds confidence. When you see the positive impact of your study habits — improved grades, better understanding and efficient learning — you gain confidence in your abilities. This self-assurance extends beyond academics and influences your overall mindset and approach to challenges.
In summary, good study habits go beyond the classroom. They shape your character, enhance cognitive skills and prepare you for long-term success. So, whether you are hitting the books or pursuing professional growth, remember that developing effective study habits is an investment in yourself. What Study Habits have the Biggest Impact?
Developing effective study habits can significantly enhance your learning experience and academic performance. Here are some practical tips to help you establish a solid foundation:
- Create a Consistent Study Schedule:
Set aside specific times each day for studying. Consistency is key. Whether it’s early morning, afternoon or evening, stick to your chosen study hours. Avoid cramming or pulling all-nighters. Regular, shorter study sessions are more effective than marathon sessions. - Designate a Productive Study Space:
Choose a quiet, well-lit area where you can focus without distractions. Ideally, this space should be separate from your relaxation or entertainment areas. Keep your study space organized. Having all necessary materials within reach saves time and minimizes disruptions. - Break Down Tasks:
Divide your study material into smaller chunks. This approach makes learning more manageable and prevents becoming overwhelmed. Use techniques like the Pomodoro method (25 minutes of focused study followed by a 5-minute break) to maintain productivity. - Active Learning Techniques:
Instead of passively reading, engage with the material actively. Summarize, ask questions, and discuss concepts with others. Create flashcards, mind maps or diagrams to reinforce understanding. - Use Effective Note-Taking Strategies:
Take concise notes during lessons or while reading. Highlight key points and main ideas. Consider using digital tools or apps for note-taking and organization. - Review Regularly:
Review your notes and study materials periodically. Spaced repetition helps reinforce memory. Before an exam, revisit the entire content to consolidate your understanding. - Stay Healthy:
Prioritize sleep, nutrition, and exercise. A well-rested mind performs better.Hydrate and avoid excessive caffeine or sugar, which can lead to energy crashes.
- Set Clear Goals:
Define specific study goals for each session. What do you want to achieve? Break down long-term goals (e.g., passing an exam) into smaller, actionable steps. - Seek Help When Needed:
Don’t hesitate to ask questions or seek clarification from teachers, peers or online resources. Join study groups or discussion forums to exchange ideas and learn from others. - Test Yourself:
Regular self-assessment is essential. Take practice quizzes, solve problems and simulate exam conditions. Testing helps reinforce memory and identify areas that need improvement.
Remember that good study habits are a gradual process. Be patient with yourself, stay motivated and adapt these tips to your unique learning style.
Blessings and Peace,
Simon Dash
Head of Primary – Russell Davey
Over the coming weeks the Primary years teachers will be finalising student reports for Semester One. These reports are an important part of the communication process we value here at Xavier Catholic College. They provide parents with an indication of how their children are developing as learners within the guidelines outlined in the Australian Curriculum. However, this is only part of the puzzle and whilst it is always valuable to recognise student achievement against a standard, it is just as important that we recognise student progress. This should be a priority in any school as we know students learn in different ways and will often progress at different stages of their education. I would recommend all parents/carers take the time to discuss with their children, not only their results, but also their progress at school.
Whilst as parents we often get the automatic response from our children of “I don’t know!” when we question them about their learning, the reality is they can often be very perceptive. With a little more questioning and an active commitment to having a conversation it can become clear very quickly which areas students are having difficulty and those they find less challenging. A child’s education is a joint effort between home and school. Please take the time to sit with your child, discuss their report and affirm not only their achievements but also their progress, both in their learning and their development as an individual.
We have several important events occurring in the primary years over the final two weeks of Term 2. Please see below and contact the College if you have any questions.
We had many students celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation at St Joseph’s Parish this week. Congratulations to each of these students and their sponsors and our thanks to Father Jacob and the parish for a wonderful celebration of the sacrament of Confirmation with each of the children involved.
- Prep Come and Try (Session 2)
Our 2nd Prep Come and Try session will be held next Wednesday 12th June. We had an amazing response to our initial session with over 30 families in attendance. All prospective parents are very welcome to attend and take up this opportunity to become familiar with the Prep area and how we approach learning in this very important first year of formal schooling. See flyer below for additional information.
Our Primary Years Disco will be held on Thursday 13th June. Parents are required to stay on site, a seating area plus tea and coffee will be available.
Tickets: $2 to be purchased via QKR before the night (preferred) but can also be purchased on the night.
Sausage sizzle and drinks for sale on the night, plus glow sticks raising funds for the QISSN teams.
We will end the term with our Primary Athletics Carnival on Friday, 21 June. Please mark this date in your calendar and if you are available, I would encourage you to attend and cheer your child as they represent their house team. This is always a wonderful day of House Spirit and a positive way to end a term of learning
P-6 reports will be published on Friday, 21 June alongside your child’s curriculum letter for Semester 1 2024. All parents will also receive instructions on how to access these reports via the parent portal. Please contact the College if you have difficulty accessing this information.
Head of Secondary – Ursula Witham-Young
Recently we received some preliminary data about the National Assessment Program, Literacy and Numeracy or known as NAPLAN. In Week 10 we will hand out certificates to all our students who achieved in the “Exceeding” bracket in testing. We will not receive the Writing scores until later in the year. With our data back to us early, we are planning to improve our students literacy and numeracy skills.
The importance of literacy and numeracy skills is well established. These skills have a significant impact both on individuals and society. They are foundational skills, providing the basis on which to learn other, more complex skills. Literacy and numeracy skills underpin workforce participation, productivity and the broader economy and can also impact on social and health outcomes. Individuals without these skills are at risk of not being able to participate in the workforce or engage fully in social and civic life.
Literacy and numeracy skills have been positively associated with educational attainment in adulthood. Weak literacy and numeracy skills can lead to disadvantage in terms of limited access to desirable employment opportunities.
The individual student reports will be available later in the year via the Parent Portal.
Innovative Schools for Impact Program
Last year, we were fortunate to be the successful recipients of a grant aimed at providing schools with the implementation strategies and initiatives that aim to strengthen the capturing of impacts and evidence use, to ultimately improve school and student outcomes. Our project is about building resilience and through this increasing student attendance at school. We are working on Connections to Pastoral Care group and to teacher to feel connected to class. We have partnered with the Resilience Project and our students in Year 7 have focused on G.E.M. – Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness. In the next week, could I invite you to try one of these conversation starters with your child?
- Gratitude: Name one thing you are grateful for about each person you’re with right now.
- Empathy: Who made you feel happy this week? What did they do?
- Mindfulness: Look around and share five things you can see.
Our ability to teach G.E.M. teaches our students about Emotional Literacy and to know it is ok to feel sad, grumpy or scared sometimes. Knowing our feelings can help with us feeling better quickly and even make us better at G.E.M. More information can be found about The Resilience Project here:
The Resilience Project.
With every blessing,
Ursula Witham-Young
2024 BCE Excellence Awards
Congratulations to Xavier Catholic College staff who have been nominated for the 2024 BCE Excellence Awards. The awards acknowledge the hard work put in by staff as well as the impactful and innovative programs, projects and initiatives implemented across BCE schools. Nominees from Xavier Catholic College for 2024 include:
- Ashleigh Mudge: The NGS Super Award for Excellence in Learning and Teaching in Primary School
- Courtney Neck: The ACU Award for Excellence as an Early Career Teacher in Primary School
- Deanna Wyvill: The BCE Award for Excellence in a School Based Non-Teaching Role
- Stacy Mills: The TUH Award for Excellence in Safety and Wellbeing
- Mathematics @ Xavier (Janine Ritter and Julie Hourigan): The BCE Award for Excellence in Learning and Teaching by a School Team
2025 Applications
Parents and carers with children starting Prep or Year 7 in 2025 who are younger siblings of students currently at Xavier Catholic College, please ensure you submit your Application for Enrolment as soon as possible. Current Xavier Catholic College Year 6 students do not need to apply for Year 7 next year, as their enrolment is automatic. For more information on the remaining Prep 2025 Come and Try Sessions, please see the pinned post on our Facebook page or the below flyer.
(IMAGE: ©️ Brisbane Catholic Education, Xavier Catholic College, 2024)
$1,000 travel voucher up for grabs!
Win a $1,000 travel voucher with Xavier Catholic College! Xavier Catholic College is giving away a $1,000 TripADeal travel voucher to help raise funds to support projects administered by Jesuit Refugee Service Australia (JRS). Raffle tickets cost $2 each – or 3 tickets for $5 – and can be bought via Qkr! By purchasing tickets you will be supporting JRS in their mission to help refugees find a place of protection and opportunity. Please note: The winner must redeem the voucher by 31 December 2024. Terms and Conditions Apply.
(IMAGE: ©️ Brisbane Catholic Education, Xavier Catholic College, 2024)
College visit: Fr Rob Davoren
Xavier Catholic College was privileged to have Fr Rob Davoren, SJ, visit the College for three days last week. Fr Rob is a Jesuit Priest and the Treasurer of the Australian Province of the Society of Jesus. During his visit, Fr Rob celebrated Mass with staff at the St Francis Xavier Chapel and visited classrooms where he spoke to students about a variety of topics, including: the vocation of priesthood, prophets from Biblical times and today as well as the impact of religion in our society, among other things. Towards the end of the week, Fr Rob also joined some of our Year 7 students for a special liturgy to mark the end of one of their Religious Education units. We would like to thank Fr Rob for taking time out of his busy schedule to travel from Melbourne to Hervey Bay to spend time with our College community.
(PHOTO: ©️ Brisbane Catholic Education, Xavier Catholic College, 2024)
Pace for Poverty
The ABS Census documented in 2021 that more than 122,000 people were believed to be experiencing some form of homelessness in Australia, with 1 in 7 under the age of 12. There are almost 2000 people in Hervey Bay alone who are recognised as being homeless. The Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre says the “region is experiencing a surge in homelessness,” (Hervey Bay Advertiser).
The Xavier Catholic College Senior Health class has again identified the need to raise awareness around homelessness within our own community and highlighting the urgent need for action. Students want to highlight the need to assist those who are experiencing homelessness right now within in our community.
The class has decided to organise a Monster Raffle to help tackle homelessness.
Tickets cost $2 each or 3 for $5 and can be bought from the students or via Qkr! For those wanting to purchase tickets online, you can do so by clicking on this link and selecting 'Raffle Tickets' under the Biller Code tab.
Prizes include:
Fishing pack
Whale watching tickets (4 people)
Brisbane Lions footy pack
Mini cricket bat signed by Beth Mooney
$50 voucher for the waterfront
$50 voucher for Reef World (including free entry)
Anyone wanting to donate prizes can contact Tracy Grambower on tgrambower@bne.catholic.edu.au or by calling the College on 4197 1177.
Australian Mathematics Competition
The Australian Mathematics Competition will be held at the College in Term 3 on:
- Tuesday, 6 August 2024 during lesson 1 and 2 for students from Year 3 and 4
- Thursday, 8 August 2024 during lesson 1 and 2 for students from Year 5-12
The competition is online and will cost participating students $8.50. A link in QKR has been set up for both payment and the permission slip. A letter has also been given to students who showed an interest in taking part in the competition. If your child has missed out on a letter and wishes to compete, they can collect a copy from Student Reception. Students’ results will be available Week 4 Term 4.
If you have any queries, please email:
- Year 3-6: slove@bne.catholic.edu.au
- Year 7-12: jritter@bne.catholic.edu.au
Year 12: 100 days left of school picnic
Our Year 12 Class of 2024 celebrated a significant milestone in their final year of school this week. Students had a picnic together on Monday, 3 June 2024 to mark 100 school days left of the academic year. Thank you to the students and staff who organised the balloons and cupcakes!
(PHOTO: ©️ Brisbane Catholic Education, Xavier Catholic College, 2024)
Chess Club
The Xavier Catholic College Chess Club offers students in Years 7-10 who already know how to play the game a chance to sharpen their skills through friendly games. The club meets in the library every Thursday morning from 8am. The goal is for players to compete in a regional competition next term. For anyone interested in playing or for more information, please Email Mrs Ball.
(PHOTO: ©️ Brisbane Catholic Education, Xavier Catholic College, 2024)
Circle of Silence
Did you know that 1 in 95 people around the world are forced to relocate? Australia has around 140,000 refugees and asylum seekers. Many asylum seekers do not choose to leave their homes and life isn’t easy for them when they reach Australia. Most asylum seekers are placed in mandatory detention, usually without knowing when they can leave - it can be after months or even years. After being granted permission to stay in Australia, refugees often face the fear of being deported back to their home country.
The Circle of Silence in our way of expressing solidarity to those currently seeking asylum all over the world. Participants experience and reflect on the voicelessness that people who are displaced experience. Giving up a lunch break is one of the many things that can be done to show respect and support those in need. We are hoping to see a great turnout to our upcoming Circle of Silence on Wednesday, 19 June. Our community at Xavier Catholic College thrives on helping others. This is your opportunity to help and be part of our Xavier community.
Xavier will host the Circle of Silence for all Secondary school students at second break on Wednesday, 19 June. Xavier has a long history of supporting charities, with this particular event starting in 2016 as a result of our meeting with the Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum (CAPSA).
We hope to see plenty of people turning taking a stand to support refugees and asylum seekers in Australia and around the world.
On behalf of the Year 9 Leaders, leading for change, a Faith Seeking Justice.
Have a good day and God bless,
Charlie, Emmy, and Olivia
Iggy’s Breakfast Program
Iggy's Breakfast Program at Xavier Catholic College is held before school every Friday and Monday - 7:45am to 8.15am. The student-led program offers a simple breakfast option to students who might not always receive a nutritious meal at the start of the day. Thank you to all staff and students who help run the program, as well as supporters: Bakehouse 13, Woolworths Eli Waters, P&F Xavier Catholic College and Secondary students and staff.
- Iggy's Breakfast Program
- Monday and Friday mornings, 7:45am to 8:15am
- GOA Kitchen
Express Recycling: Battle of the Schools
Xavier Catholic College is taking part in the Express Recycling: Battle of the Schools again in 2024. Xavier Catholic College won the competition last year by collecting the most cans and bottles on campus in Term 2 and 3. Well done to everyone who got involved! We want to keep up the good work and are again encouraging all staff and students to place their cans and bottles in the correct Containers for Change bins on campus. The Xavier community can also get involved by adding cans and bottles collected at home to the College tally at the Express Recycling depot – 3 Trade Way, Dundowran.
Care and Concern Committee
Xavier Catholic College has a group of parents who volunteer their time to welcome and help other members of the school community. They do this by:
- Holding first day morning tea (meet and greet opportunity) When and where possible
- Providing meals for school families experiencing a crisis
- Providing information about the school to families
- Assisting the College Board in planning and reviewing the Pastoral Care Policy of the College
- Working closely with the Campus Minister
When it comes to any questions you may have, we encourage you to explore the Parent Portal or to talk to your child’s classroom teacher or Pastoral Care teacher as your first point of contact.
Each House has parent contacts ranging from P-12. If you wish to contact anyone of our parent contacts their details are below. We are always looking for parents to be a part of our parent committee and to become a parent contact. If you would like to nominate yourself or to request further information of what is involved, please do not hesitate to contact, Carmel Donnelly (Campus Minister). Confidentiality is utmost for our committee and any information shared with our parent contacts will not be passed on unless you request it.
Anna Anderson (Jack Anderson) aanderson4283@gmail.com
Mary Arnold (Joey) 0418729967
Cassie Wilson (Anabel/Imogen Wilson) 0409761207.
Rachael Trevillion (Luke/Sadie/Abbie Trevillion) rach.trev17@gmail.com
Karen Goffinet (Patrick Goffinet) 0421 322 121.
Shelly Hislop (Lincoln Hislop) 0423 506 675.
Jess Pearson (Archer/Dexter/Hunter)
Rachel Loague (Oscar/Sophie Loague) 0417792179
Melissa Lynch (Mya) missyjane300@gmail.com
Chantelle McNulty (Ari, Ella, McNulty) 0419134948
Alison Keal (Seth) 0466250799
Emma Pearson (Ava /Shayli) 0403599406
Liz Duffy (Dexter Boyd/Hadley Boyd) 0414219969
Blessings, Carmel Donnelly cjdonnelly@bne.catholic.edu.au 41971165
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Cover Image: ©️ Brisbane Catholic Education, Xavier Catholic College, 2024)
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